User ID Number

Each user has a ten digit User ID Number that identifies their Mac.

Circular Software Users are identified with a ten digit User ID Number which is linked to their Mac. This number is generated from the actual Mac computer hardware and cannot be changed by the user or Circular Software.

Copy your User ID Number from any Circular Software app Set -Up menu (e.g. GreenLight Set-Up menu > Copy Your  User ID number)

The menu to copy your User ID Number from any Circular Software desktop app

This anonymous number is automatically used when registering and launching to control the licensing of Circular Software.

Your ID number is also shown in the main panel of each Circular Software desktop app on launch.

A MasterPlan main panel confirms your User ID Number and App version number on launch

When purchasing Circular Software you may be asked to provide your User ID Number. We recommend copying the user number rather than retyping!

Example of a CircularFLO purchase page where a user is asked to enter their Circular Software User ID Number