Circular Software Members and Users

Sign up to become a Circular Software Member and download our software. Install and register the software to become a Circular Software User.

Different people have different features and levels of access to the Circular Software site based on their status.

Anonymous Visitors

Anonymous visitors to the Circular Software site can reach all the public pages on our site. These include general information, product pages and posts, presentations and any specific articles they are directed to.

Anonymous visitors are invited to become Members. More on signing up as a free Circular Software member.

Circular Software Members

Once signed up, Circular Software Members can search our site, browse our full Knowledge Base and download our desktop apps.

Once they have installed and launched our desktop software they become Circular Software Users.

Circular Software Users

Circular Software Members that install our desktop software are invited to register as Circular Software Users from within the desktop app on their first launch.

A unique ten digit User ID Number  associates the User with their Mac. This number is then automatically used to control the versioning and licensing of Circular Software.

Circular Software Users can see information on available updates, access step-by-step tutorials and chat with us directly from their User Page.

Client Users

Circular Software Users that are assigned to the client also have access to a Client Page from their User Page.

Prerelease & Admin Users

Admin users for a client or those users that are part of a prerelease group also have access to extra information and links from their User Page.