Same page size throughout

This check is to make sure every page of the InDesign document is the same size

It is possible in InDesign to have multiple page sizes in the same document. This may be handy when creating digital publications or producing stationery, but it's usually a bad idea when working on a print publication.

This GreenLight check will inform you of pages that are a different size to the first page in the document.

The GreenLight dialog warning of a different page size to the first page

Fix this problem by removing affected pages or resizing with the InDesign Page Tool.

To remove a page choose InDesign Window menu > Pages, double-click the errant page thumbnail (NB, simply selecting it is NOT sufficient) and click the Trash button at the bottom of the panel. Unless the warning has been been switched off InDesign will give an alert dialog if the selected page contains objects. If so and you’re quite sure it is OK, click OK!

InDesign’s alert dialog when deleting a page containing objects with the Pages panel

To resize a page, again firstly double-click its thumbnail in the Pages panel and select the Page Tool in the Tools panel:

InDesign’s Page Tool

Then in the Control panel (InDesign Window menu > Control) change the page's Height (H) and Width (W) as necessary.

InDesign’s Control panel with 'Re-center' option selected as Liquid Page Rule

NB: Objects on the page will adjust differently depending which option is selected from the Liquid Page Rule dropdown menu. E.g. Scale will aim to scale all objects proportionally to fit the new dimensions, Re-center will leave objects at their original size, centred in the new page. Off also leaves objects at their original size and resizes the new page to the position selected as the Reference Point at the left of the panel.

Adobe InDesign Liquid Layout help