Jacket template used

This checks that the InDesign document has been created from an existing file using GreenLight's 'Make new jacket from template' command

Using templates in InDesign can help ensure that there is consistency from one document to another and that the documents are correctly set up regarding aspects such as colour, size, fonts used, bleed settings, colour management, Paragraph and Character Styles and more.

GreenLight makes it easy to start a new jacket file by generating a new InDesign document.
The dimensions, style and name of the newly created jacket file is taken from the information entered into a dialog.

(GreenLight Run menu > Make / alter cover) opens a dialog for entering the book information and trim page sizes required.

To make a new jacket to match an existing internal file, open the internal file in InDesign before choosing the Make new jacket from template command and information such as book code, ISBN and trim page size will be brought into the new jacket dialog automatically.

For further information on creating a jacket template please see Making Jackets and Covers