Hyperlinks in ebooks

Regular InDesign hyperlinks are supported but there are some benefits to using CircularFLO tools too.

Hyperlinks added using regular InDesign panels are supported on export with Circular Software. This includes cross-references used in indexes, endnotes and footnotes.

Alongside these, tappable hyperlinks areas can also be added to any part of the page using the CircularFLO hyperlink tools. Page cross-references, web URLs, mail links for email addresses and even phone numbers or twitter messages can be added.

The size and position of all text frames placed on an InDesign layer named FLO_LINKS will be used to create the tappable hyperlinks in the final eBook. The text content of the FLO_LINKS text frame becomes the destination for the hyperlink.

Tools to analyse InDesign text and quickly add FLO_LINKS hyperlinks are available. See more info on Auto add page links and Auto add index links and more in the Hyperlinks Tools information.

Hyperlink regions must be rectangular frames but can be rotated if required and background colours can be used to indicate these areas in InDesign, these layers will not appear in the final EPUB.

Be careful to add the destination exactly and avoid using spaces. For URLs we recommend pasting the entire web address including the http:// or https:// prefix from a browser.

External hyperlinks and internal 'cross reference' hyperlinks to pages within the ebook are supported for Amazon files. Hyperlinks in Amazon fixed layout files are supported but their operation is dependant on the device used to read the ebook and are not active to test in Kindle Previewer 3 app.

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