Automatically add a text table of contents to your ebook, by using CircularFLO Accessibility tools.
For short and simple books, e.g. children's picture books, a table of contents is usually unnecessary and without one you will still see a thumbnail table of contents in most EPUB readers.
For longer books a mutli level table of contents can be quickly added to any InDesign book or document using the CircularFLO Table of Contents panel.
Alternatively, CircularFLO can use the InDesign generated table of contents if one is present.
Separately to the CircularFLO method to add a table of contents to any ebook, the InDesign method can also be used.
Where the native inDesign feature to build a table of contents based on styling within a document has been used, then the name of the saved TOC style is entered in the CircularFLO Table of Contents panel.
A table contents does not need to be added to InDesign layout to use this feature or the table of contents for the ebook can be saved separately to the one used in the layout.
Add a CircularFLO Table of Contents panel using the Add Table of Contents Panel button in the Document Tools panel.
More info on saving Table of Contents styles can be found in InDesign help docs.