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Knowledge Base
Interactivity in Ebooks
Interactivity in Ebooks
Circular Software offers unique tools and export settings that let you take full advantage of the interactivity supported in the EPUB3 format.
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CircularFLO Web Code & Widgets
Pieces of web code written using standard web code are already compliant with the EPUB standard.
Introduction to Web Code & Widgets
Code & Widgets Panel
Code & Widgets Tools
By enabling InDesign users to add widgets and web code onto the InDesign page, CircularFLO can greatly extend what is possible in interactive Fixed-Layout EPUBs without coding.
Remove widget background
Check / Relink file paths
Create & Edit BookWidgets
Place web code into InDesign
Place widgets into InDesign
Hyperlink Tools
Info coming soon
Auto add page links
Auto add index links
Find Hyperlinks in PDF pages
Convert hyperlinks to FLO_LINKS
Auto add URL links
Regular InDesign hyperlinks are supported, but there are some extra benefits to using CircularFLO Hyperlink tools.
Introduction to Hyperlinks
Hyperlinks in ebooks
Hyperlinks in Amazon fixed layout
CircularFLO Hyperlinks Tools
Knowledge Base Subjects
Account & Setup
Adding InDesign documents to MasterPlan
Adding PDFs to MasterPlan
Animation in EPUBs
Audio & Video in EPUBs
Audio in ebooks
Book Design
BookSite Setup & Admin
Co-Edition Publishing
Converting PDFs to Ebooks
Creating New Book Covers
Document Structure
Ebook Validity Checking
Ebooks for Amazon
Exporting with CircularFLO
GreenLight Checks & Checklists
GreenLight Features
GreenLight Tools
Interactivity in Ebooks
Introduction to Circular Software
MasterPlan File Preparation
MasterPlan tools
Preparing InDesign Documents for Ebook Export
Print Production
Purchasing & Billing
Read Aloud / Media Overlays in EPUB
Step-by-Step Tutorials
Troubleshooting & Help
Viewing in MasterPlan