Co-Edition Tools

GreenLight has several unique tools to help publishers quickly modify InDesign documents when preparing files for translation with co-edition publishers.

GreenLight Co-Edition Tools Panel

Co-Edition Tools
The main panel used to prepare InDesign documents for Co-Edition workflows.

GreenLight Pro users have access to Co-Edition tools.

GreenLight Custom users also have Co-Edition tools along with extra, customised, publisher tools.

GreenLight Co-Edition tool include:

Tools to help InDesign users prepare files for Co-Edition workflows are available to GreenLight Pro users

See the Co-Edition section of Circular Software Tools page for the  list of GreenLight Co-Edition Tools.

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Co-Edition Tools

Text layer [Black] objects overprint

Co-Edition Tools
A GreenLight tool to quickly fix up any images on the TEXT layer of a Co-Edition InDesign file.

The Text layer [Black] objects overprint tool sets the overprinting of all objects and bitmap and greyscale images on the TEXT layer.

GreenLight checks can look at the colour and overprint setting of all images on a text layer and reports whether they have been set up to use [Black] and is set to overprint.

Access the tool in the GreenLight Tools menu GreenLight Custom e.g. GreenLight for Quarto Tools or GreenLight PRO Tools > Text layer [Black] objects overprint

Click the button to run a series pre-loaded find and changes to all objects on the TEXT layers.

This tool and other Co-Edition Tools assist the GreenLight user with quick ways to fix up co-edition text on the TEXT layer.

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Co-Edition Tools

Text layer text [Black] and overprint

Co-Edition Tools
A GreenLight tool to quickly fix up any text on the TEXT layer of a Co-Edition InDesign file.

The Text layer text [Black] and overprint tool sets the fill and stroke of text to use the required [Black] swatch and set all text to overprinting.

GreenLight checks can look at the colour and overprint setting of all text on a text layer and reports whether it has been set up to use [Black] and is set to overprint.

Access the tool in the GreenLight Tools menu GreenLight Custom e.g. GreenLight for Quarto Tools or GreenLight PRO Tools > Co-Edition Tools > Text layer text [Black] and overprint

Click the button to run a series pre-loaded find and changes to all text on the TEXT layers.

This tool and other Co-Edition Tools assist the GreenLight user with quick ways to fix up co-edition text on the TEXT layer.

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Co-Edition Tools