Fixing marker mismatches

Circular Software has useful tools to reset the InDesign IDs following a mismatches of markers.

Every object in InDesign, every text frame, every graphic frame, every page, has a unique idenitifer – an 'ID number'.

Circular Software uses these IDs for the markers added for fixing reading order or adding image descriptions or read aloud text.

Unfortuntely these InDesign object IDs can be reset, causing mismatches of markers, following a serioau strcutrual change the document e.g. a save as IDML or a conversion between versions of InDesign.

CircularFLO and GreenLight, the Circular Software products that use these markers, will check and alert when marker mismatches are found.

An alert informing the user that there is an issue with the reading order markers.

When marker mismatches are detected, the recommendation is to fix the issue when offered.

An alert informing the user that the issue with the reading order markers has been fixed.

Bulk image description methods such as Simple Image Description Databse (SIDD) or an ofline spreadsheet use these IDs also. So, in case there has already been an image description started with the older IDs, the info on the older Circular Software is saved to a report the Circular Software Application folder.

An example of the report showing the old and new image references