CircularFLO Read Aloud panel

This panel is added to the side of each InDesign page that has read aloud added.

All words from all text frames on the live text layer for the current page to the CircularFLO Read Aloud Panel.

Words are added depending on the position on the page from top to bottom, left to right. For more complex pages, selecting text frames or objects on the page indicates the required reading order.

Quickly prepare multi pages or an entire document by holding the Command (Apple) key when clicking the Prepare Read Aloud button.

Because the content for the read aloud panel is coming directly from the page, there is no need for guess work. Words are always spelt correctly and contain all the correct punctuation from the InDesign text frames.

Change words, alter their reading order or remove words from highlighting then just make those changes within the panel.

Drop highlight swatch here - To change the highlighting colour for the page from the usual red, drop any InDesign swatch colour into the table where indicated.

Start page audio at - The starting time for the audio track will be set to 0.00 seconds. Start times are calculated automatically  if using a audio track across multiple pages.

Stop page audio at - The stop time for audio playback comes from the length of the added audio track. Stop times are calculated automatically if using a audio track across pages.

Start and stop times can be altered by editing these number. Times are always in seconds.