GreenLight for Quarto Prerelease

Circular Software apps are regularly tested and updated. GreenLight for Quarto Prerelease users are invited to test and use the next version of GreenLight in advance of the general release.

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GreenLight for Quarto 2025.0

2025.0.16 is now live

Now available to all users from the Quarto client page

New in 2025.0.16

  1. Wiro and Quarter Bound covers are detected are no longer moved together when amending covers
  2. Amending Cover command now adds a US ISBN / Project ID field for UKUS language covers including ones that were not created by GreenLight
  3. GreenLight Cover info panel has added support for the US ISBN / Project ID (when US ISBN / Project ID is present it is used for Print PDF naming)

New in 2025.0.14

  1. Addition of extra Production options – Spot Colour Inks, Special Finishes and Output intent (paper type) – to a reduced GreenLight Cover info panel when using GreenLight with cover files not created by GreenLight.
  2. Note: Requirement to enter Publication options and Output Intent values (either FOGRA 51 or FOGRA52) manually.

New in 2025.0.13

  1. Colour Profile is set in Book Info check now correctly flags when no colour profile has been set in the new GreenLight Book Info panel introduced in 2025.0
  2. Add Special Finishes amended to still work when user has Paste Remembers Layers off in InDesign Pages Panel

New in 2025.0.12

  1. Rebuilt an internal file to try to help with Kandji installer issue
  2. Document name, project ID and ISBN can now be amended in the dialog as well as in the Cover Info Panel when choosing to Amend cover

New in 2025.0.11

  1. SIDD images description imports adapted to work with bases shared from external accounts
  2. Create Translation Files now prefers the TEXT-QFR layer for Translation Sets when present
  3. Convert to EBook PDFs and Convert to Sales and Marketing PDFs commands now looking for files in the Circular Software Export folder

New in 2025.0.10

  1. Defaulting to 17mm wrap for all PLC and Flexi covers. This can be altered when creating or amending covers.

New in 2025.0.9

  1. Improvements when pulling metadata from older Greenlit internal files
  2. Better support for updating older Greenlit cover files
  3. Fix to continue to make translation file sets on documents with locked layers
  4. Text is not overset check now gives more info when locating overset text on hidden text frames
  5. TEXT-QFR layer is now allowed in Correct layer naming and structure (Final) check for Quarto Foreign Rights to have and additonal specific layer in Translation Sets
  6. Amendment to Quarto_EPUB_2024 PDF job options
  7. Update to Add Quarto Settings to this Mac to push out the newly amended PDF job option

New in 2025.0.7

  1. If a file contains a GreenLight Book info panel the colour profile stated is checked before running a QuickProof. If there is a mismatch between panel and document the user is able to apply the profile.
  2. GreenLight Cover Info panel no longer sticks in a loop alerting about missing Book Info

New in 2025.0.4

  1. Ability to add a basic GreenLight Cover Info panel to cover documents that were not generated

New in 2025.0.3

  1. Option to include the spine width in the saved file name when creating new covers
  2. Addition of new EXTRA section identifiers see Quarto File Creation Policy – Extra Sections see for the full list
  3. When selecting no imprint the CSS Library logos are no longer used as linked images which was leading to potentially reported as missing links
  4. Styles in cover template tidied up
  5. When not connecting to Q1 data the Project ID is read correctly when amending covers

New in 2025.0.2

  1. Alert whenever the Quarto database can't be reached due to being offline or denied
  2. Run menu > Make / Alter Cover expanded into two commands – Create CoverAmend Cover
  3. Special Finishes are now an option to specify when creating a new cover
  4. Additional Special Finishes can be added with new command Run menu > Add Special Finishes
  5. Removed the MasterPlan app from the installer package
  6. Added Fresh Page Tools

New in 2025.0.1

  1. When amending Book info, cover files are detected and the GreenLight Cover Info panel is amended and the GreenLight Book Info panel for internal pages
  2. Project ID field added to GreenLight Cover Info panel
  3. Creating new covers updated to work with InDesign 2025

New in 2025.0.0

  1. Book Info Panel is better positioned on the pasteboard for facing page documents
  2. Documents with no ISBN metadata are no longer stalling the Book Info process
  3. Amend to the saving of new files when preparing translation sets to now work with InDesign 2025
  4. Further tested with InDesign 2025
  5. 2024.1 checklists moved to 2025.0 this means 2024.1 prerelease users are required to move to 2025.0
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GreenLight for Quarto 2024.1

New in 2024.1.13

  1. Amendment to Correct layer naming and structure (Final) check and to include the MasterPlan layer
  2. Amendment to CMYK images match document profile to not display more info during running as part of checklist
  3. No RGB images except NOTES layer check disregards the MasterPlan stamp
  4. Print PDF exports no longer offer a choice to export the newly introduced GreenLight_Info layer
  5. Text layer images [Black] and overprinting check no longer disrupted when giving more info about hidden objetcs that are completely on the pasteboard
  6. Tested with macOS 15 Sequoia
  7. Added new Export command Toggle printing of image descriptions to choose whether to exporting image description markers when proofing
  8. Added new Export command Remove alt text codes. This helps users of the GreenLight image description tools when exporting to for PDF and reflowable EPUB directly from InDesign.
  9. All Accessibility Tools in GreenLight now operate without the need for CircularFLO to be present on the Mac

New in 2024.1.10

  1. Fix for Create Cover JPEGs export correctly picks up ISBN from GreenLight Cover Panel from pre 2024.1 documents
  2. Create Cover JPEGs export does not fail if ISBN is not present in GreenLight Cover Panel
  3. Correct defaults added to new covers when picking from standard sizes

New in 2024.1.9

  1. Work In Progress status picked up from the newly introduced Book Info Panel
  2. Translation files and Packages from Archive file sets are exported to the renamed Circular Software Export folder
  3. Create Translation files now checks for suitable co-ed file set-up before proceeding

New in 2024.1.7

  1. Fix for working with book info from older 2024.0 generated covers and the new Cover Info Panel introduced in 2024.1.4
  2. When pushing out Quarto settings to new installs GreenLight now checks that colour settings files have arrived and, if not, opens the folder in Finder with more info on how to fix folder permissions
  3. Combine PDFs command updated for new Circular Software Export location

New in 2024.1.5

  1. New option to export composite Print PDFs which exports all visible layers
  2. New option to export all pages of a document to one multi-page Print PDF
  3. Introduction of new checklist Quarto Internal Pages (Mono) checklist
  4. Addition of MONO section identifier to File Creation Policy
  5. Adaptation to to export Proof and PDF exports for MONO sections
  6. MONO sections are always exported to one multi-page PDF
  7. Book Info is now shown in a new Book Info Panel on the pasteboard to the left of the first spread
  8. Book Info is initially set using the same Add / Amend Book Info command
  9. Data in the Book Info Panel is live and can be amending directly in the panel or with the Add / Amend Book Info command
  10. Adaptation to Correct layer naming and structure (Final) & Document is named correctly to expect MONO section identifier and Book Info Panel

New in 2024.1.2

  1. Amendments to Create Cover dialogs
    • Page count removed from create cover dialog
    • RRP price added to create dialog
    • Page count and spine width removed from the suggested filename when prompting to save a newly generated cover
    • Integration with Teacup BarcodeMaker for auto updating professionally styled barcodes
  2. New check ISBN artwork matches stated ISBN
  3. New check Filename matches stated ISBN
  4. New check RRP on page matches stated RRP
  5. EXTRA section identifier expanded to include 11 new identifiers e.g. JIGSAW, BOX-TOP & POSTER
  6. New BOOKLET section identifier added
  7. PDF Exports altered to include the section identifiers for the newly added EXTRA sections
  8. Exports folder on desktop renamed from GreenLight_Export to Circular Software Export in preparation for all Circular Software desktop apps to export to this same location
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GreenLight for Quarto 2024.0

GreenLight for Quarto 2024.0 is now available to all users on the Quarto Client Page.

New in 2024.0.18

  1. Improvement to Fonts are all active check that allows external editing of an online 'known problem fonts' list by Circular Software. This means that new problem fonts can be identified more quickly and without the need to rebuild GreenLight.

New in 2024.0.17

  1. LAB spot colours are no longer stalling the Spots are layered and overprint check
  2. Amend to clear any default paragraph styles from the GreenLight info added to PDFs and so avoid very rare case where populating a variable

New in 2024.0.16

  1. Brand new users are registered correctly after sign up
  2. Trim objects extend to bleed check now unlocks and unhides objects when necessary in order to reveal them
  3. Improvement to SIDD connections for larger MasterPlan clients using the Prepare images for description tool

New in 2024.0.15

  1. Quick Proof PDF exports re-enabled after accidental removal in 2024.0.10

New in 2024.0.14

  1. The watermark for translation files reduced to 20% opacity

New in 2024.0.12

  1. Auto barcode feature removed

New in 2024.0.10

  1. Bug fix for a recently introduced export location error
  2. Progress bar re-instated after a breaking change in 2024.0.6
  3. Removal of rogue swatches from Quarto cover templates
  4. All PDF exports rebuilt

New in 2024.0.8

  1. Better support for amending covers first made from GreenLight pre 2023.1

New in 2024.0.6

  1. All users now directed to their User Page when updates are available. Links to the prerelease section moved to the top of the User Page for prerelease users.
  2. On selecting --No imprint-- when creating covers with the Make / Alter Cover command no logos are being shown whilst the cover is created
  3. On launch call to typesetter specs and Make / Alter Cover command updated for 2024 method
  4. Altered message for progress bar to advise that"Clicking 'Stop' button frees up the Mac but continues processing in background."

New in 2024.0.4

  1. The Quarto 'PB' section identifier is maintained but the 'COV' section identifier is reinstated in Document is named correctly check and The Quarto Group File Creation Policy.
  2. Book Info does not have a default colour profile applied, so now prompting the user to go to Book Info panel and consciously set this.
  3. New check Document colour profile is set flags when a colour profile has yet to be set
  4. Document colour profile is set check added to 7 checklists including Quarto Internal Pages (Final) and Quarto Jackets (Final)
  5. Run Quick Proofs command now requires the user to choose between coated and uncoated paper types before conintuing to make quick proofs
  6. Translation Files have updated Quarto logo applied as watermark

New in 2024.0.2

  1. Newly renamed Quarto checklists are expected in the Print PDF exports

New in 2024.0.1

  1. Moved to use new checklists database which is integrated with the Circular Software site
  2. Linking to dynamic Quarto checklist page
  3. Quarto checklist names now all start with the word Quarto
    e.g. Quarto Internal Pages (Final)
  4. Support for exporting printed inside covers as separate Print PDF from documents using the Quarto 'PB' section identifier
  5. Fix for Spots are layered and overprint introduced in 2023.1.10
  6. Improvement to Fonts are all active check that now allows external editing of an online 'known problem fonts' list by Circular Software. This means that new problem fonts can be identified more quickly and without the need to rebuild GreenLight
  7. Added option to select --No imprint-- when creating covers with the Make / Alter Cover command to avoid any logos being added to the generated cover file

New in 2024.0.0

  1. Tested and updated for InDesign 2024 and macOS 14 Sonoma
  2. Help menu linking to Circular Software site for file creation policy, knowledge base, client page, user page, contact links
  3. Internal user data now linking to newly updated Circular Software Airtable on launch
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Earlier GreenLight for Quarto

Earlier GreenLight for Quarto versions are archived:

GreenLight for Quarto 2023.1

GreenLight for Quarto 2023.0

GreenLight for Quarto 2022.0