CircularFLO Version History

Circular Software apps are regularly tested and updated. All updates are free to all users.
Here are the details of the latest changes for CircularFLO & CircularFLO Special Edition users.

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CircularFLO 2025.1

New in 2025.1.1

  1. Moved to a new internal method for reading order of image frames and ther captions. Now support for images using different alt text sources (e.g. XMP) or having no alt text added.
  2. No longer adding extra codes to custom alt text field when using image description tools, either when manually applying or when applying in bulk with SIDD. Earlier prepared files with extra alt text codes are still supported.
  3. Fix for error when applying paragraph export tags along with table of InDesign table of content markers
  4. To preserve layout, moved from figcaption to aria-labelledby for captions identifed by reading order tools

New in 2025.1.0

  1. Support for InDesign native table of contents. More info here
  2. Removal of legacy reflowable TOC options from CircularFLO table of content panels
  3. Hold down option key when choosing to define reading order tool to set a user choice of whether to split images that span across the 'fold' line of a facing pages spread (introduced in
  4. Removal of Typography Tools panel. Use GreenLight for these and additional tools in GreenLight Menu > Type Tools.
  5. Rearranged the Accessibility Tools and Image Tools.
GreenLight icon

CircularFLO 2025.0

New in 2025.0.8

  1. No need for GreenLight to be installed to add section markers

New in 2025.0.7

  1. Further fix for SIDD images description importing

New in 2025.0.6

  1. Fix for preparing SIDD images in documents with only one region
  2. Better support for paragraph style tags when using numbered style folders
  3. <li> list tags on paragraph styles now wrapped in a parent list tag. If applied style name contains the word bullet then <ul> applied, otherwise <ol> applied
  4. Updated for figure tags applied in InDesign 2025 (v20.0.1)

New in 2025.0.5

  1. Manually selecting to add reading order to any images accross the fold on a left hand facing pages now splits it into two, one image per page
  2. Reading order markers added to now auto resize to stay on the page
  3. Fix for marking reading order to double page spread images on locked layers

New in 2025.0.4

  1. SIDD images description imports adapted for Airtable bases shared from external accounts
  2. Adapted for described regions and figures in documents with roman numeral prelims
  3. CircularFLO hyperlinks reactivated for pages witrh reading order markers
  4. Auto define reading order now offers a choice to mark images with either Region or Figure markers
  5. Hold alt key down when using the Amend or clear reading order tool to switch existsing figures to regions and remap their descriptions

New in 2025.0.3

  1. Fix for looping alert when outputting heading level tags

New in 2025.0.2

  1. Add Metadata Panel no longer has an issue with very short page sizes
  2. If the text shown in image description markers does not fit on the page, they are now abbreviated or hidden rather than becoming overset
  3. Add / update image descriptions tool now respects when images that are already marked as decorative in InDesign
  4. Add / update image descriptions tool is better at marking anchored objects
  5. Fix for looping alert when preparing reading order
  6. Updated and tested with InDesign 2025 (v20.0)

New in 2025.0.0

  1. New method to detect and reset mismatched reading order, image description and read aloud panel IDs
  2. Auto define reading order is now splitting double page spread images in two, one image per page.
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CircularFLO 2024.1

New in 2024.1.7

  1. Image Description Tools and Reading Order Tools updated to match amends made to GreenLight PRO 2024.1.14

New in 2024.1.6

  1. Improvement to preparation of background read aloud highlighting on embedded text on a path
  2. Accessibility Tools panel updated to match amends from GreenLight PRO 2024.1.12

New in 2024.1.5

  1. Added menu command for additional read aloud timestamp minutes to be loaded into CircularFLO Special Edition

New in 2024.1.4

  1. Fix for region reading order issue introduced in 2023.1.3

New in 2024.1.3

  1. Maximum number of reading order objects on any single page increased to forty

New in 2024.1.2

  1. Fix for processing reading order added to pages named with roman numerals

New in 2024.1.1

  1. Add / update image descriptions and Untagged images are decorative tools now disregard any objects on the FLO_BASE layer when running on individual pages
  2. Add / update image descriptions and Untagged images are decorative tools now handles and gives better information if a mismatch is found between a marker and a figure
  3. Improvement to method to identify regions to avoid an InDesign bug causing it to crash
  4. Add / update image descriptions now has the ability to amend the reading order number applied to the last added reading order marker by hitting the 'A' key
  5. Tested with InDesign 2024.4 (19.4)

New in 2024.1.0

  1. Removal of reflowable EPUB and audiobook exports
  2. Add / update image descriptions and Untagged images are decorative tools now disregards any objects on the FLO_BASE layer when running on all pages
  3. Add / update image descriptions and Untagged images are decorative tools now disregard grouped and anchored objects
  4. Ability to nominate an existing layer to be renamed as the FLO_BASE layer and to use existing layer for text whn using the Lift live text from base artwork tool
  5. New Document Panel tool Move selected object to base
  6. New Document Panel tool Split selected objects or group tool
  7. Heading style tags now properly applied on export when Paragraph styles are within style groups in the Paragraph Styles panel
  8. Restyling of reading order and image description markers to better suit overlapping content on complex layouts
  9. Restyling of Main window to make Create Fixed Layout / Amazon File button more prominent
  10. Tested with InDesign 2024.3 (19.3)
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CircularFLO 2024.0

New in 2024.0.12

  1. Fix for language declaration in OPF with exports from InDesign 2024 (19.2+)
  2. Correctly writing extra illustrator and author metadata to OPF
  3. Fix for an obscure issue that caused fonts to fail to export from the FLO_LIVE_TEXT layer in a specific file
  4. Exact version numbers of InDesign and CircularFLO are declared in OPF generator tag e.g. <meta name="generator" content="Adobe InDesign and CircularFLO 2024.0.12" />

New in 2024.0.11

  1. Brand new users are now registered correctly after sign up
  2. Tool tips added to all tools in the Accessibility Tools > Export Tags and Contrast section
  3. Improvement to Analyse character style tags tool
  4. Improvement to SIDD connections for larger MasterPlan clients using the Prepare images for description tool

New in 2024.0.10

  1. Correctly adding additional CircularFLO added metadata for all types of ebook
  2. Correctly adding the CircularFLO specified language for InDesign 2024

New in 2024.0.9

  1. Reverted to earlier version of Manually define reading order after issue found in 2024.0.7
  2. All in app purchase links direct to the CircularFLO product page
  3. Tested with InDesign 2024.2 (19.2)

New in 2024.0.8

  1. Manually define reading order tool still marks the image frame if the images content is selected accidentally
  2. Add Region-Based Navigation option added to CircularFLO Preferences panel
  3. Extended Image Description options removed from CircularFLO Preferences panel until more work is done in this area
  4. If user is not set up for MasterPlan or SIDD then ImageTools > Prepare images for description and Image Tools > Import image descriptions no longer require MasterPlan to be present on the Mac
  5. Accessibility metadata altered from printPageNumbers to pageNavigation & pageBreakMarkers in Accessibility Metadata panel and exported EPUBs
  6. Brand new users are now registered correctly after sign up

New in 2024.0.7

  1. If an existing image description is present the Add / update image descriptions tool now exposes and applies it without the need for a second click
  2. No longer duplicating image descriptions when multi returns are used in the descriptions
  3. Existing image descriptions with double returns now have their double returns removed when using the image description tools
  4. Manually define reading order tool now disregards any guide objects which may be selected
  5. CircularFLO Preferences panel and defaults changed to not output Amazon files
  6. When adding CircularFLO Preferences panel, checking that Kindle Previewer is present and correctly installed on the user's Mac. If not, then the Amazon Output is set to 'no'.
  7. Page numbers altered to GCA style with "title" removed and the word Page included in the aria label
  8. Fixed-Layout page titles now include the word Page before their page number
  9. Preventing language declarations happening twice when using InDesign 2024 with no CircularFLO Preference panel added
  10. Easier to enter a range of pages when making shorter sample exports
  11. Samples no longer contain extra content when using regular InDesign layers
  12. Now automatically resetting any expired tokens for the Read Aloud timestamping service
  13. Export Timestamps & Import Timestamps Read Aloud Tools now re-activated
  14. What's New in CircularFLO in CircularFLO Help menu opens this CircularFLO Version History page
  15. Tested with InDesign 2024.1 (19.1)

New in 2024.0.5

  1. Reading order now properly supported in documents and books with complex page naming e.g. with roman numerals prelims

New in 2024.0.4

  1. Special Edition purchase information now links to User Pages. Users with admin status can view purchases
  2. Registration, run log and App support help commands now link to updated site

New in 2024.0.3

  1. Better synchronisation for members with accounts created through refreshed Circular Software site (after Nov 13th)

New in 2024.0.2

  1. On launch, if CircularFLO user needs to update, user now directed to their own user page (newly added to Circular Software site)
  2. Although still discouraged, forced line breaks (a.k.a. 'soft returns') are honoured in reflowable exports
  3. Adding image description markers to single pages containing single images works as expected
  4. Internal user data now linking to newly update site

New in 2024.0.0

  1. Tested and updated for InDesign 2024 and macOS 14 Sonoma
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CircularFLO 2023.1

New in 2023.1.3

  1. Added an ARIA doc-pagebreak page marker into fixed layout page body
  2. Fix for InDesign’s invalid naming used in JS for InDesign created interactions and animations
  3. Use of InDesign Paragraph Style style group folders does not disrupt the export process for accessible fixed-layout
  4. Typography Tools > Make and Apply styles now picks up start location in keep options

New in 2023.1.2

  1. Fix for the SIDD / MasterPlan authentication in Prepare images for description, Import image descriptions and SIDD tools introduced in 2023.1.0

New in 2023.1.0

  1. Text frames solely containing numbers are omitted from GreenLight reading order checks.
  2. Text frames using a paragraph style whose name starts with HIDDEN are omitted from GreenLight reading order checks.
  3. Added an Illustrator field to CircularFLO Metadata panel
  4. When pages contain regions then image descriptions are not added or required for other images objects on the spread
  5. If user is not set up for MasterPlan or SIDD then a local method of image description package is offered by (ImageTools > Prepare images for description and Image Tools > Import image descriptions
  6. If user is not set up for MasterPlan or SIDD then
  7. Added Extra Metadata in the CircularFLO Metadata panel is reintroduced correctly when CircularFLO Preference to Prefer InDesign live text is set to no or working with placed PDF content
  8. Language tag in the OPF is reintroduced correctly when CircularFLO Preference to Prefer InDesign live text is set to no or working with placed PDF content
  9. User can save their defaults for the Metadata and Preferences panel
  • Drag the text frame containing the existing panel fom the InDesign pasteboard  to the Circular SoftwareApplication Support folder at to the ~/Library/Application Support/Circular Software (tip: go to this folder by pasting the bold line above into the Finder Go menu > Go to Folder…)
  • Rename the .idms snippet exactly FLO_Preferences.idms for a CircularFLO Preferences panel or FLO_Metadata.idms for a CircularFLO Metadata panel
  • If a panel snippet is found it is used instead of the CircularFLO defaults when next adding the relevant panel

New in 2023.1.3

  1. Added an ARIA doc-pagebreak page marker into fixed layout page body
  2. Fix for InDesign’s invalid naming used in JS for InDesign created interactions and animations
  3. Use of InDesign Paragraph Style style group folders does not disrupt the export process for accessible fixed-layout
  4. Typography Tools > Make and Apply styles now picks up start location in keep options

New in 2023.1.2

  1. Fix for the SIDD / MasterPlan authentication in Prepare images for description, Import image descriptions and SIDD tools introduced in 2023.1.0

New in 2023.1.0

  1. Text frames solely containing numbers are omitted from GreenLight reading order checks.
  2. Text frames using a paragraph style whose name starts with HIDDEN are omitted from GreenLight reading order checks.
  3. Added an Illustrator field to CircularFLO Metadata panel
  4. When pages contain regions then image descriptions are not added or required for other images objects on the spread
  5. If user is not set up for MasterPlan or SIDD then a local method of image description package is offered by (ImageTools > Prepare images for description and Image Tools > Import image descriptions
  6. If user is not set up for MasterPlan or SIDD then
  7. Added Extra Metadata in the CircularFLO Metadata panel is reintroduced correctly when CircularFLO Preference to Prefer InDesign live text is set to no or working with placed PDF content
  8. Language tag in the OPF is reintroduced correctly when CircularFLO Preference to Prefer InDesign live text is set to no or working with placed PDF content
  9. User can save their defaults for the Metadata and Preferences panel
  • Drag the text frame containing the existing panel fom the InDesign pasteboard  to the Circular SoftwareApplication Support folder at to the ~/Library/Application Support/Circular Software (tip: go to this folder by pasting the bold line above into the Finder Go menu > Go to Folder…)
  • Rename the .idms snippet exactly FLO_Preferences.idms for a CircularFLO Preferences panel or FLO_Metadata.idms for a CircularFLO Metadata panel
  • If a panel snippet is found it is used instead of the CircularFLO defaults when next adding the relevant panel
GreenLight icon

Earlier CircularFLO

Earlier CircularFLO version history is archived on Dropbox Paper here