Volume discounts
Prepay for ten or more CircularFLO conversions or MasterPlans publications to receive volume discounts.
MasterPlan titles are charged per title per month. Or yearly for the cost of ten months.
Pre-purchasing MasterPlans in bulk. Please contact us for more info.
10-25 MasterPlan publications = 10% discount
26-50 MasterPlan publications = 20% discount
51-100 MasterPlan publications = 30% discount
101-200 MasterPlan publications = 40% discount
201-500 MasterPlan publications = 50% discount
500+ MasterPlan publications = POA
Pre-purchased conversions credits can be used with the regular version of CircularFLO or CircularFLO Special Edition accounts.
10-25 CircularFLO conversions = 10% discount
26-50 CircularFLO conversions = 20% discount
51-100 CircularFLO conversions = 30% discount
101-200 CircularFLO conversions = 40% discount
201-500 CircularFLO conversions = 50% discount
500+ CircularFLO conversions = POA
Please contact us for more info.