Create style mapping import preset
This tool creates a preset to help import Word documents into InDesign as efficiently and devoid of unwanted formatting as possible
When importing a Word document into InDesign using (InDesign File menu > Place) the program will use its default settings unless its Import Options specify otherwise. You can choose to either change the settings manually or choose a preset at this point. The preset created using Fresh Page Tools consists of our recommended settings, as explained below.
Creating the preset
- Choose GreenLight Tools menu > Fresh Page tools panel
- Click Create style mapping import preset
- If present click OK to any dialog(s) requesting permissions for InDesign or The Finder on your Mac
- Type a name for the preset
- Click OK
Choosing the preset
- In the InDesign document choose (InDesign File menu > Place)
- Locate and select the Word document (.docx)
- Select Show Import Options and click Open
- Select your named Preset from the dropdown menu at the top of the dialog
- Click OK and place in the InDesign document
Tip: Hold down the Shift key when selecting a Word document to avoid making Show Import Options the default setting and presenting its dialog box every time you Place a new document from this point.
The Fresh Page import settings
The settings consist of the following options:
Table of Contents text to OFF as this process will be handled later in the workflow.
Footnotes and Endnotes to ON as the notes will be maintained and the reformatting is relatively straightforward.
Index to OFF as this will generally be handled by InDesign.
Import as Static Text to OFF as solely relates to Endnotes and solutions created before InDesign added its own Endnotes feature.
Use Typographer’s Quotes to ON (to convert straight inch " and feet ' symbols to true quotation marks “” ‘’)
Preserve Styles and Formatting from Text and Tables to ON.
Manual Page Breaks to No Breaks to allow InDesign to specify.
Import Inline Graphics to OFF for any images in the Word document to be imported conventionally into InDesign.
Track Changes to OFF. Whilst InDesign does support the feature to a degree with the Story Editor, it is recommended to import ideally a final, edited version of the Word document.
Import Unused Styles to OFF.
Import Styles Automatically. This leaves both Paragraph Style Conflicts and Character Style Conflicts to Use InDesign Definition to ensure InDesign’s formatting for the styles are applied, rather than retaining Word’s.