Links are present and up to date
This check makes sure all InDesign links are OK. No image links can be missing or modified.
‘Links’ are made to the original files of images that have been placed into the InDesign document; they might also, less commonly, be text files.
Icons are shown under the Status column in the Links Panel. (InDesign Window menu > Links) to indicate a problem.

= Missing Link
Links can go missing if renamed, moved or your computer is disconnected from them if held remotely e.g. on a file server.

= Modified Link
Links become modified if edited outside of InDesign e.g. resized or colour adjusted in Photoshop.
Fix this problem by selecting the link(s) in InDesign's Links panel and from the panel menu choosing Update in the case of a Modified image or Relink if missing.

Adobe links and embedded graphics help