GreenLight Checklists

A checklist is a group of relevant GreenLight checks. This section covers how to create, share, and run GreenLight checklists.

GreenLight Checklists

GreenLight Checklists
Groups of individual checks that the GreenLight runs across an InDesign document.

Checklists are groups of individual checks that the GreenLight desktop app uses when running across an InDesign document.

By offering different checklists, GreenLight can be tailored to run relevant checks and the relevant time depending on various factors including the type of document, the user, the client and the workflow status.

All GreenLight users receive new checklists and updates to existing checklists every time they launch GreenLight, if they have a web connection.

Checklists are described and all the checks they contain are listed on the GreenLight Online support site which can be accessed through the (GreenLight Help menu > Checks & Checklists info).

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GreenLight Checklists

Making new checklists

GreenLight Checklists
Creating and sharing new checklists.

Checklists can be created and amended in varying degrees by users of the different types of GreenLight

GreenLight FREE

GreenLight FREE users are unable to make or amend checklists. If you have a suggestion for changes or additions to GreenLight FREE checklists please contact us.

GreenLight PRO

GreenLight PRO users are able to make new checklists by selecting a range of checks to create and share with their coworkers.

Please fill in this form to create a new checklist.

GreenLight Custom

GreenLight PRO users have a centrally administrated list of relevant checks that can be viewed on their GreenLight Custom Client page.

Checklists can be amended and new checklists can be introduced by contacting us.

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GreenLight Checklists

Selecting Checklists

GreenLight Checklists
Choosing the most relevant set of GreenLight checks to run.

Which GreenLight checklist to run is chosen in different ways for different versions of Greenlight.

GreenLight FREE users can select the checklist they wish to run next from a list of existing free and accessibility checklists by choosing the (GreenLight Set-Up menu > Set active Checklist).

GreenLight PRO users can select the checklist they wish to run next from the full list of available checklists by choosing the (GreenLight Set-Up menu > Set active Checklist). A tool for GreenLight PRO users to make and manage their own checklists is in development. In the meantime please contact us to request new checklists.

GreenLight Custom users have control of their file naming and so the section identifiers in the document filename are used to switch to the most relevant checklist every time the GreenLight process is run.

In this way, the checklist to run by the GreenLight is tailored to the type of section (e.g. whether the InDesign document is a PLC, a paper jacket, a prelim or a section of internal pages), the user, the publisher and workflow status. The section is identified to GreenLight by the InDesign document name.

If a document name does not match the file naming set out in the publisher's File Creation Policy then the default checklist Internal Pages - Final is used by default.

See Add / Amend book Info for more on how workflow status can be used to alter which checklist is to be run.

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GreenLight Checklists