Circular Software apps are regularly tested and updated. All updates are free to all users. Here are the details of the latest changes for GreenLight users
Up to 2024.0 we have been storing book info in the metadata of the InDesign document. By moving it out into the open we benefit by making it:
more visible to everyone who cares to look
easier to check and amend
more easily auto updated by GreenLight
easier to share with other people and documents
have less chance of metadata stored in the document metadata clashing with the book info
we can use keywords for the purpose they were intended if we want to make digital exports
Amendments to Create Cover dialog
Page count removed from create cover dialog
RRP price added to create dialog
Page count and spine width removed from the suggested filename when prompting to save a newly generated cover
Integration with Teacup BarcodeMaker for auto updating professionally styles
When running the GreenLight checks on a cover document the Production options in the GreenLight Book Cover Panel is updated with Spot Colour Inks & Special Finishes for that spread
New check ISBN artwork matches stated ISBN
New check Filename matches stated ISBN
New check RRP on page matches stated RRP
Exports folder on desktop renamed from GreenLight_Export to Circular Software Export in preparation for all Circular Software desktop apps to export to this same location
New in 2025.0.9
Reinstated Book Name and Project ID (book code) in the Book Info dialog appearing for all documents
New commands Create Document and Amend Document added, aimed at quickly setting up internal pages
New Create menu added to split from the creation and amend commands from Run menu
Tools menu moved to right in menu bar after the Create and Run menus
New in 2025.0.8
Improvements when pulling metadata from older Greenlit internal files
Reinstated the Book Name and Project ID (book code) to the Book Info dialog
Better support for updating older Greenlit cover files
Added new Export command Toggle printing of image descriptions to choose whether to exporting image description markers when proofing
Added new Export command Remove alt text codes. This helps users of the GreenLight image description tools when exporting to for PDF and reflowable EPUB directly from InDesign.
New in 2024.1.11
New Fresh Page tools Tools menu command and panel
Introduce Core Styles to document syncs with a live list of Paragraph, Character and Object Styles the Fresh Page Cores Styles
Create Language Shift styles adds selected languages as extra character styles
Create Font Style styles adds all existing names for fot styling in the document as extra character styles
List all text styles on pasteboard creates a single text frame containing all Paragraph & Character styles in the document, ready for exporting to Word
Create style mapping import preset saves a Word Import mapping preset matching the structure of the Word and InDesign document
Apply current styling to existing style to streamline the application of the Cores Styles to existing documents
Sort all style panels to quickly alphabetically sort Paragraph, Character and Object Styles panels
New Export command Show / hide info for proofing
Remove alt text codes to remove the extra codes used by CircularFLO. This helps users of the GreenLight image description tools when exporting to for PDF and reflowable EPUB directly from InDesign.
All Accessibility Tools in GreenLight now operate without the need for CircularFLO to be present on the Mac
New in 2024.1.9
Added Lamination and Spec Levels to Cover creation and amendment dialogs
Added Lamination and Spec Levels to GreenLight Cover Panel
Removing unneeded rows from GreenLight Cover Panel to save space e.g. removing Brass and Case overhang for Paperbacks
When pushing out GreenLight PRO settings to new installs GreenLight now checks that colour settings files have arrived and, if not, opens the folder in Finder with more info on how to fix folder permissions
Cover info panel better positioned and labels are no longer running to two lines
Folder opening after export to reveal PDFs improved
Combine PDFs command updated
New in 2024.1.5
Book Info is now shown in a new Book Info Panel on the pasteboard to the left of the first spread