Adding Notes

Adding notes to the page with the Viewing and Commenting panel

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Notes can be added on top of the page directly in the Viewing & Commenting Panel.

To add a note:

  1. Choose a colour by clicking or entering a RGB colour value in the Comment Colour colour picker.
  2. Choose an icon to use for your note from the Note Icon dropdown menu.
  3. With a colour and icon chosen, click or tap the Add Note button to add a note to the spread.
  4. Click or tap to position the chosen styled and coloured note icon.
  5. Type in the comments field
  6. Click the Add Comment button to add it.

If you are logged in user then your name is attached to the comment, otherwise the note is tagged as being added by a 'Guest' user.

Save your added notes with the Save Comments button. Comments are also saved when moving to another spread.

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